"Having never been a 'candle person' before I am addicted to The Bird Box candles. My love affair started when I went into my planned home birth. From start to finish the candles burned throughout labour and my house has smelt amazing since. Knowing they are organic using essential oils I can burn one everyday never getting sick of the smell as each candle fragrance is very unique and different to the 'heady' smells you get from other candles."
- Andrea
"Shoppers are inundated with branded candles these days, but not all candles are created equal. 'You want to look for two things: pure essential oils and natural wax, such as soy wax'."
- City A.M.
"Sophie gifted some of The Bird Box’s candles to try and they provided a fragrance which filled the room with a soft scent which seemed like a “cuddle” rather than a hit of overpowering fragrance."
- Minis AND MORE