Love is in the Air

February 14, 2017

Love is in the Air

Love is in the Air

Valentine’s Day seems like the perfect day to talk about the aphrodisiac properties many essential oils have.

To understand how an aphrodisiac works, it is important to know how our brain works, or rather how the limbic system works (also known as the mammalian brain). The limbic system is found surrounding the brain stem. It is responsible for emotions such as love, compassion, and feelings of pleasure, joy, and loyalty as well as a need to “nest” in a home. Negative emotions such as jealousy, rage, fear and panic are also limbic responses because these feelings are equally governed by our animal instincts, and also found in this primal part of the brain. The limbic system is stimulated by our senses; touch, sight, taste and particularly smell. The nose directly links into the limbic system, and therefore anything we smell can trigger instinctual feelings, flood us with memories and raise emotions. Likewise, aromas stimulate hormones thanks to the limbic system.

So lighting essential oil candles as part of a Valentine’s ritual, or on any romantic occasion, seems like a very good idea as they can stimulate the limbic system, starting the flow of romance on an unconscious level. Some essential oils that stimulate a loving response are Neroli, Ylang Ylang, Patchouli and Sandalwood.

Sometimes because we are overstretched and overworked, we don’t seem to have any energy for romance. There are some great stimulating essential oils that will rejuvenate energy and reawaken the senses, which are Black Pepper, Eucalyptus, Peppermint, Rosemary and Basil. Then we can get the energy for sharing our love.

Before we can spend energy on loving another, it is important to love one self. How can we harmonise the love energy if we can’t find it within ourselves first? Essential oils can easily help with opening the heart to deeper levels of (self) love and compassion and smooth out the frenetic energy into viable flowing love-energy. These oils are Sage, Neroli, Frankincense, Patchouli, Ylang Ylang and Sandalwood.

February is a short but long dark month and it can be hard to muster a romantic flair. We can become particularly gloomy and moody, unable to find joy anywhere. We can feel almost a desperate need to find the positive things in life, and yet there seems to be no energy to follow positivity through. Essential oils that can bring light into darkness and joy into glumness are Basil, Bergamot, Sage, Geranium Rose, Lavender, Neroli and Ylang Ylang. Finding the joy within will help create the love around us.

Here’s to a special Valentine’s Day. Make this day YOUR day. February your Month. 2017 your Year… Let the essential oils help you feel good about yourself so you can flow out your love to others.

Lots of Love,
The Bird Box 



The Bird Box ‘Stimulate Romance’ candles:
Joy and Abundance – Neroli & Patchouli
Sensual – Ylang Ylang, Bergamot & Black Pepper

The Bird Box 'Rejuvenate Energy’ candles:
Sensual – Ylang Ylang, Bergamot & Black Pepper
Stimulate and Invigorate – Eucalyptus and Pine
Heal and Soothe – Peppermint, Lime & Rosemary
Release and Let Go – Lime, Basil & Mandarin

The Bird Box ‘Open your Heart’ candles:
Rebirth – Rosemary, Sage & Cedarwood
Joy and Abundance – Neroli & Patchouli
Cleanse and Align – Frankincense, Myrrh, Sandalwood & Lavender
Sensual – Ylang Ylang, Bergamot & Black Pepper

The Bird Box ‘Joy’ candles:
Release and Let go – Lime, Basil & Mandarin
Sensual – Ylang Ylang, Bergamot & Black Pepper
Rebirth – Rosemary, Sage & Cedarwood
Relax and Unwind – Lavender & Geranium Rose
Joy and Abundance – Neroli & Patchouli


Source: Sue Bovenizer’s world of Aromatherapy!